Peel Multi-Residential Residue Management Plan & P&E Campaign

Projects Description

A multi-faceted P&E campaign to address MR residue issues.  Posters, lobby displays, door hangers and building newsletters will be employed to educate residents about the most prevalent contamination problems: 1) Blue Box material inside a tied plastic bag, and 2) tied and loose unsolicited materials. P&E will address proper set-out standards and encourage small changes to positively impact the success of their recycling efforts.

Documents Final Report: Multi-Residential Residue Management and Promotion & Education Campaign
Blog Post June 9, 2016: Managing Residue in Multi-res Buildings: What’s the Best Solution?
Related Projects
Categories Best Practices | Contamination | Multi-Residential | P&E |



More Information
Project # 895
Proponent Peel, Region of
CIF Funding $172,500
Date Approved October 7, 2015
Date Completed August 23, 2018