Guelph MRF Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Projects Description

This project involves funding of part of a suite of recommended energy efficiency opportunities identified as a result of a review of the Guelph mrf by an independent ESCO or Energy Services Company (see CIF Project #216).  The project cost is approximately $310,000 and is eligible for almost $28,000 in funding from other agencies.  The project received $118,399 in funding from the CIF which represents approximately 42% of the unfunded portion of the project.  Annual savings of $117,227 are expected as a result of these improvements which represents a payback of just over 1 year on the CIF investment.  Almost $700,000 in additional upgrades were identified by the consultant which Guelph staff are considering for implementation in future years.

Documents Final Report: Energy Conservation Project
Blog Post
Related Projects Project #216
Categories Best Practices | MRF | Operations |



More Information
Project # 287
Proponent Guelph, City of
CIF Funding $118,399
Date Approved June 3, 2010
Date Completed March 9, 2013