
August 21, 2017

Market Valuation of Recycling Business

The development of a business valuation guide and a business case analysis would be advantageous to municipalities considering questions about future value of assets. Business case financial tools and/or asset valuation methodologies developed for generic use will have significant value for municipalities needing to answer questions about retention or sale...

August 26, 2012

Operations Review of Niagara Region MRF

The purpose of this study was to review the performance of Niagara Region’s MRF operations relative to similar operations to provide guidance to the Region in decisions related to contract management of the facility, long term planning in light of the results of the MIPC Optimization Study and future investments....

September 15, 2016

Development of ABC Tools and Transitional Strategies

A project to produce checklists, tools and/or asset valuation methodologies applicable to non-standard program operating structures designed to have Province-wide value for those groups, as well as conventional municipal programs operating non-contract, in-house, waste diversion programs. Documents Final Report: Municipally Operated MRFs: Blueprint for Full Producer Responsibility Transition Blog Post Related...

August 21, 2017

RF Business Valuation & Strategic Option Evaluation

The development of a business valuation guide and a business case analysis would be advantageous to municipalities considering questions about future value of assets. Business case financial tools and/or asset valuation methodologies developed for generic use will have significant value for municipalities needing to answer questions about retention or sale...

August 21, 2017

MRF Options Analysis

With passage of the Waste Free Ontario Act, Norfolk is considering the future of their MRF operations.  As an initial step, the County undertook a feasibility study to examine the potential to re-purpose the site.  The CIF provided up to $14,500 to assist the County with this work. Documents

September 15, 2016

EPR Business Case Analysis and ABC Tools

The development of an asset valuation guide and a business case analysis would be advantageous to municipalities considering questions about future value of assets. Business case financial tools and/or asset valuation methodologies developed for generic use will have significant value for municipalities needing to answer questions about retention or sale...