Best Practices

October 13, 2022

Depot Services: Non-Eligible Sources Field Study

Research shows that depot only municipalities in Ontario need guidance to 1) gather accurate data on non-eligible sources using their site(s) (e.g., number, materials), and 2) understand what other options are available. An initial field study will be conducted with one partnering municipality, and, at the discretion of the CIF,...

March 3, 2022

Waste Audits – Sample Size and Statistical Validity

With transition fast approaching, the need to analyze and monitor the blue box programs performance is evident. The CIF is looking at the current blue box recovery rate calculation to determine the best course of action to track/measure performance throughout transition. Current audit methodology will be assessed and potentially modified...

February 24, 2022

Ineligible Sources Collection Planning Workshop

In June 2021, the Ontario government passed O. Reg. 391/21 – Blue Box, which itemizes those sources (i.e., residence, facility, and some public spaces) that will receive collection services by the producers soon to be responsible for the cost and operation of the blue box program. CIF will be facilitating...

February 9, 2010

Blue Box Recycling Plan Workshops

Project to organize and deliver up to 10, one-day workshops to present and demonstrate the CIF Recycling Plan Guideline and Template materials developed under CIF Project #215.  Workshops were held in Huntsville, Kingston, Hockley Valley, Dryden, Barrie, Sudbury, Ottawa and London. Documents Project Synopsis Blog Post Related Projects Project #215 Categories Best Practices |...

February 25, 2010

P&E Enhancement

Pilot Promotion and Education project (3 sites to test). Development of a web portal for the promotion of the recycling program. Web site includes a waste exchange element as well as program information. Usage of the website will be monitored to determine the effectiveness of the tool. Documents Website: Blog Post Related Projects Categories Best Practices |

March 11, 2010

MRF Upgrade – Container Baler System

This project involved replacing Northumberland’s existing container baler which has been in operation since 1991. The new baler is expected to save Northumberland approximately $70K/year in reduced maintenance, labour and transportation costs while eliminating a production pinch point in the facility. This project is part of an ongoing effort to modernize this facility and reduce...

September 9, 2010

School Recycling Program

This project involves implementation of a school recycling program in cooperation with the County’s local school boards.  The new program will be consistent with the County’s blue box program and will promote the correct way to recycle within the County. The new program is expected to divert approximately 500 tonnes/yr of recyclables and reduce curbside...