MIPC Blue Box MRF Optimization Study


The Municipal Industry Program Committee (MIPC) commissioned a study of the optimization of Blue Box Materials Processing System in Ontario, which was completed by StewardEdge Inc. (now Reclay StewardEdge) and Resource Recycling Systems in 2012.

On behalf of MIPC, CIF hosted a July 25, 2012 meeting at which the consultant team presented the study’s key findings and requested feedback on next steps. Also, on behalf of Stewardship Ontario and AMO, the CIF surveyed recyclers on how best to use the study outcomes and other options to optimize the provincial system and/or reduce program costs. Detailed study findings and recommendations are shown below in the 10 volumes of the Study Report.

Ongoing Initiatives

Based on input from MIPC, the CIF continues to work with municipal partners to execute projects that follow-up on the findings and recommendations of the 2012 work. These projects were considered and approved under the CIF’s REOI process and are designed to provide additional analysis in selected topic areas. Projects include:

2012 Study Report

Review the study report

Reference Documents & Presentations (2012)