Employee Training: How Does Your Program Benefit?

Here are five reasons to sign up for a training course today!

1. To remain efficient & effective

The goal of all Blue Box programs is to help maximize diversion rates while minimizing the cost to do so. Achieving this goal relies upon the knowledge, skills and motivation of a staff team. Training provides a systematic approach to expanding your knowledge base and skill level.

2. To grow expertise, speed & enhance flexibility

Training allows you to begin to master a new competency, which in turn improves the readiness to take action in a changing work environment.  It improves the ability to make and execute decisions. This will be especially important as municipalities and First Nations staff begin to transition their program under the new Waste Free Ontario legislation.

3. To improve job performance- productivity and quality

A well-trained worker is an efficient worker who needs less time to fulfill their responsibilities accurately.

4. To increase employee satisfaction

Many reports show that access to opportunities to learn and grow contribute significantly to a sense of satisfaction at work.  This need can be fulfilled through participation in training courses

5. To enhance contribution to the team

Training helps strengthen planning, coordination and collaboration within teams. Improved understanding of the principles and foundational aspects of a job fosters more meaningful conversation between co-workers and leads to better problem solving in the face of challenges and change.

How can CIF help with your municipality fulfill its training needs?

CIF has been offering training for last eight years. This summer we’re pleased to add an online initiative to our line up. In today’s fast paced environment, training needs to fit into busy staff schedules. Online training is available any time, any place and at the user’s convenience. CIF training is available free of charge to municipal and First Nations staff. It’s summer, so why not sign up for the Fundamental Principles in Recycling Planning and work through it at your own pace? Follow this link and visit the CIF online training page to find out more and to register today!