At its December 2018 meeting, the CIF Committee approved the CIF’s 2019 Operations Plan, which reflects the priorities communicated by Fund stakeholders through a consultation process that is currently under way for the CIF’s new Strategic Plan. Details about the consultation can be found on the CIF web site at and input to date is reflected in this year’s Operations Plan.
The 2019 Operations Plan:
- reflects the desire of stakeholders to focus CIF resources towards supporting efforts to transition the Blue Box Program Plan (BBPP) to a Full Producer Responsibility (FPR) scheme under the Waste Free Ontario Act, 2016 (WFOA)
- recognizes the desire of stakeholders to maintain the operation of the CIF and continue to provide knowledge sharing and other services, at least until the transition of the BBPP is complete; and
- balances those priorities with a desire by other stakeholders to have CIF continue to fulfill its mandate under the BBPP until it is wound down or its mandate amended.
This year’s Plan will continue to provide limited funding to individual municipal initiatives that meet strict criteria. It does, however, seek to balance that need with other stated priorities by focusing on efforts that support collective benefits.
Plans for CIF Funding in 2019
The 2019 funding priorities focus on funding collective activities intended to benefit municipalities as a whole across the Province. Collective actions funded by the CIF will include:
- Market research & development
- Centralized cost savings initiatives
- New collection and processing technologies research & development
- Waste composition studies
- Performance analytics and better practices research
- Transitional support.
The Plan provides for individual programs and operators to continue to receive knowledge-sharing support services and guidance to assist in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of programs, including:
- Procurement and contract management support services
- Working groups
- Training
- Outreach services.
Since its inception in 2008, the CIF has provided funding for 722 projects, of which 629 are now complete. We encourage you to review the 2019 Plan and if you haven’t done so yet, provide your input into the Phase 2 consultation process for the development of the CIF’s new Strategic Plan. CIF staff welcomes your questions and comments at any time.
2019 Event Planning
This Year’s Blue Box Outreach Sessions for Municipal Staff
Plans are underway for the 2019 Blue Box Outreach sessions for municipal and First Nations staff. The events will take place in five locations throughout Ontario again this spring. Details will follow once the dates and locations are confirmed in the next couple weeks: please stay tuned.
CIF Working Groups Share Insights Through Centre of Excellence
The CIF is working with stakeholders from around the Province, gathering input and expertise in MRF, depot, collections, multi-residential operations and P&E working groups. The working groups are instrumental in sharing information, for example distilling key information from CIF and other projects, and reflecting these insights in the CIF Centre of Excellence webpages. The groups are well established with active memberships, however if you are interested in contributing to an existing group, please contact CIF staff.
Mark Your Calendar for Ontario Recycler Workshop (ORW) and Training – Information to Follow
We’ll be sending out invitations soon for two CIF training courses to be hosted on Wednesday, May 15 (for Municipal and First Nations staff) and for the Ontario Recycler Workshop for all CIF stakeholders on Thursday, May 16. Due to popular demand, the events will be hosted again at the Living Water Resort again in Collingwood. Our event team is already developing value-added content to share the key learnings through these networking meetings.
More information
Contact CIF staff