
Collection Policies

There are several curbside collection policies commonly used to increase material quality and participation levels in recycling and waste diversion programs. The three most effective policies typically used in Ontario are bag limits, pay-as-you-throw, and clear bags. Each municipality must decide to adopt the combination of policies that best satisfy their goals based on their individual cost/benefit analysis, local circumstances, size and infrastructure of their collection program.

Templates, Tools and Resources

Clear Bags Implementation Toolkit

The CIF has produced a comprehensive tool designed to provide municipal Councillors and staff with key information, case studies and a detailed implementation road map prior to approval of a clear bag policy.

Set Out Monitoring Log Sheet Sample

Vendor Agreement Wellington Bag Distributor

Powerpoint. Power of Policy: Impacts on Diversion and Program Costs

Includes presentations from The Blue Mountains (“Bag limits & PAYT policies: Do they Affect Diversion?”), Niagara Region  (“How To Actively Enforce A ‘Tag & Leave’ Program For Unacceptable Blue & Grey Box Set-Outs”), City of Markham (“How To Successfully Implement A Clear Bag Program & Increase Diversion”), and Region of Waterloo (“How To Manage Contamination Rates By Managing Your Collection Contractor”).

CIF Funded Projects: Collection Policy