Accurate Stop Counts Lead to Better Customer Service & Contract Management

Managers of municipal curbside collection programs often have a hard time gathering accurate information about collection routes and services provided at various locations. This issue is even more difficult in areas with seasonal populations and leads to challenges reporting out in the WDO datacall.

In many cases, the use of GPS locators on collection fleets has been specified in collection contracts to facilitate contract management. Mid contract, this option is not always possible and municipal staff rely on manual maps and address lists to coordinate collection activities.

With the help of a CIF grant, the District of Muskoka overcame this issue by making an investment in the way they manage their collection data. Using GPS receivers and MS Windows-based tablets, Muskoka created route maps and accurate stop locations built upon a number of existing government GIS databases. Much of the data was collected through a desktop analysis, while rural areas were mapped by District staff using vehicle mounted GPS systems, GoPro cameras and tablets, over a period of three summers. Despite the sheer size of the District, which encompasses 6475 km2 and hosts over 146,000 permanent and seasonal property owners, staff completed the project for a cost of approximately $76,000.

The new GIS database has improved how Muskoka administers their curbside collection program. It has created efficiencies in how staff respond to public inquiries, manage their current contract, and provide information and evaluate future collection tenders. Providing accurate collection information in upcoming collections RFPs is also expected to lead to increased interest from prospective contractors and the development of better proposals.

For more information
Please visit the CIF website to view GIS Collection Point & Service Level Mapping (#820).