CIF’s 2018 Municipal Needs Survey closed this week and consisted of 5 statements plus an open comment option. Survey participants were permitted to fill out the survey only once. Participants were asked to select a single response ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” for each statement and provide additional comments. Those who included their contact info were entered into a draw for a token gift card. Congratulations to our draw winner, Cathy Wiebe, of Wellington County who will receive her digital card by email.
What did you tell us?
Survey participants were presented with the opening statement (shown below) followed by the survey questions:
“Some municipalities will not transition to EPR immediately (i.e. have long term contracts in place) or will opt to retain recycling operations permanently. Let us know what is important to you over the next few years to help us plan to meet your program transition or ongoing operating needs. Answer 5 questions below to guide CIF in setting funding priorities for 2018.”
1. CIF should prioritize more training, outreach, development of better practices and tool kits.
2. CIF should prioritize support for RFPs, tenders and existing/longer term contracts transition to EPR.
3. CIF should prioritize support for performance audits, waste composition studies or multi-municipal co-operation projects.
4. CIF should prioritize cost saving or cost avoidance projects.
5. During transition to EPR, CIF should maintain website and/or other resources for municipalities who opt out, need help with P&E, training, contracts or ongoing program operating issues.
What does it all mean?
2017 will go down as a pivotal year in Ontario’s recycling history. The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) transition timeline for Blue Box materials was substantially revised and all recycling programs now face the tough job of preparing for the new regime.
Your comments and survey responses show a consensus that CIF can continue to perform a valuable service during EPR transition by offering training, RFP/tender/contract assistance and especially maintaining/enhancing online tools and resources.
In 2017 the CIF website was significantly improved with a new look, new navigation tools and many additions and updates to the Center of Excellence webpages (second from left in the top navigation bar). Your enthusiastic support in the survey and comments confirms we are on the right track. Look for more online training, EPR tools and better practices coming your way in 2018. In the meantime, why not check out the Center of Excellence today and let us know if there’s anything on your wish list that we can add in 2018.
Contact CIF Staff
CIF staff is always ready to help. We encourage you to contact any member of the team to discuss your issues and questions.